Paediatric Dietetic Service for Wiltshire Community: A team of paediatric dietitians covering a range of services including eating disorders, fussy eating, allergy, faltering growth, IBS, and home enteral feeding.

If you have an open referral with us the following contacts may be useful. However, if you require a referral to a dietitian or feel you require support for your child please contact your GP, Health Visitor or School Nurse.

Useful Contacts & Referral Forms:

Referral Form for Paediatric Dietitians:

Booking number (appointments): 01249 456644

Home Enteral Feeding Team: 01249 456608 / Email: /

Referral for Home Enteral Feeding (Paediatrics): Professionals please contact the home enteral feeding team for referral form to be emailed to you.


Face to face clinic appointments are offered in Chippenham, Devizes, Melksham, Trowbridge, Warminster, Amesbury & Salisbury. Telephone and video appointments are also available.

Fussy eating and restricted diets

Faltering Growth

If you feel your child is not growing as well as they should be, please ensure a referral is put into our service for them to be reviewed. In the meantime, you may benefit from fortifying some of your child’s food at home and offering them nourishing drinks. The below resources may be of use:

Calorie Boosters

Nourishing savoury and sweet snacks

Food Allergy

Healthy eating for different ages

Additional resources


Information on breast, formula & mixed feeding: Feeding your baby - Start for Life - NHS

Stools (poo)

Guide for normal stools (poo) in babies & toddlers Baby poo - what to expect - ERIC

Visual guide for different types of baby stools (poo): Baby poo: a visual guide (photos) | BabyCentre

Constipation in babies who are breast fed: Breastfed babies and constipation - ERIC

Constipation in children: Constipation in children: symptoms, causes and relief - ERIC


Reflux in babies Reflux in babies - NHS

Understanding reflux Understanding Reflux | Paediatric Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Birmingham


Crying and colic :: Healthier Together


Guide to what is normal and what is not for babies: New baby - what's normal and what's not :: Healthier Together

Explanation of neophobia: This is a normal developmental stage of toddlers. You can view more information here: What is neophobia? - Jo Cormack

Measuring your child at home