Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for health and is involved in supporting the immune system and helping it function correctly. Most Vitamin D is made by the body when the skin is exposed to direct sunlight.
During the current Corona virus pandemic, many people are unable to access enough sunlight due to staying at home and self-isolating. Public Health England has therefore issued a recommendation advising a daily supplement which provides 10 micrograms of Vitamin D for those unable to go outside.
Vitamin D is found in some foods but even a healthy well-balanced diet is unlikely to provide sufficient amounts. Information about these foods, supplementation and the role of Vitamin D in health can be found by accessing the following resource:
Food deliveries
If you are struggling to get food due to isolation, nutritious ready-made meals can be ordered and delivered to your door from these companies; this may be restricted to the vulnerable at times.
In addition, you can find a Community Groups Directory on Wiltshire Council’s Public Health site here, which includes help with shopping and food delivery.
The following information may be useful if you have been seen by a dietitian or are waiting for an appointment with a dietitian.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Webinar link for IBS Dietary Advice
Please access
- Click on the Irritable Bowel (IBS) section.
- Please then click on ‘webinars’.
- Please click on ‘Webinar 1 – First Line Dietary Advice for IBS’.
Coeliac Disease
The Coeliac UK website offers lots of helpful information, as well as hints and tips on following a strict gluten free diet for life.
Coeliac UK resources:
Webinar link for Coeliac Disease
- Please access
- Click on the Coeliac Disease section.
- Please then click on ‘webinars’.
- Please click on ‘Newly Diagnosed Coeliac Disease’
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Crohn’s and Colitis – UK Food Your Guide
Webinar link for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Please access
- Click on the Inflammatory Bowel Disease section.
- Please then click on ‘webinars’.
- Please click on ‘Nutrition advice when in Remission’
Please note that if you are experiencing a flare up of your IBD and are under the care of a Dietitian please make them aware of your concerns, otherwise please contact your GP or specialist.
Weight Management Advice
Below are some resources to help support your weight loss journey:
- You can easily check your Body Mass Index (BMI) using this BMI calculator
- Start the NHS Weight Loss Plan
- British Heart Foundation – Eat Better to reduce your risk of heart and circulatory disease
- Wiltshire Health and Care portion plan
Nutrition Support Advice for those who need help to gain weight
If you are worried about weight loss, to help you check if you are losing too much weight and are at risk of becoming malnourished, BAPEN has developed a simple screening tool you can use along with advice to follow if you are at risk of becoming malnourished –
- BDA Food Fact Sheet – malnutrition
- Your guide to making the most of your food
- Wiltshire Health and Care -Food first for improving nutrition
- Advice on oral nutritional supplement drinks
Please note that if you have tried to boost the calories of your meals and you continue to be concerned about your weight and are under the care of a Dietitian please make them aware of your concerns, otherwise please contact your GP.
Tube feeding
Below are some resources for those who are currently, or are considering, tube feeding. There is also a link to a website providing pump training.
MyTube website – a resource developed for people with MND to aid in decisions around feeding tube placement
PIINT (support group for people receiving artificial nutrition) –
Flocare Infinity pump online training –
The following websites may be useful for providing first line advice in regards to diet.
Multiple Sclerosis
Motor Neurone Disease
Huntingtons Disease
Useful Websites with further information:
The following websites have information on diet and leaflets that you can download and print:
(The British Dietetic Association has many Food Fact Sheets which are available to download from the above website, and offer dietary advice on a number of conditions, as well as general healthy eating advice.)