The principles of equality, diversity and inclusion are fundamental to the successful delivery of patient care and underpin our vision of best care for everyone. We’re committed to designing and delivering our services around the needs of individual patients and their families.
We aim to employ a workforce which is as representative as possible of Wiltshire’s population and are open to the value of difference; we have different personalities, backgrounds, perspectives, and ways of doing things. We believe those differences bring out the best in us, helping to support the communities we work in across Wiltshire.
Our Equality, Diversity & Human Rights Policy sets out our commitment to the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda and associated legislation. The Workforce Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group supports delivery of this agenda. Above all, though, every member of staff, whatever their position, has a personal responsibility to contribute to a culture of inclusion which values everyone as a unique individual.
Your views count
We are very keen to involve our patients, carers, staff and members of the public in the continuing development of our equality, diversity and inclusion objectives. We invite you to contact us by emailing
Our equality, diversity and inclusion aims
- Provide the best possible healthcare services we can, making sure that they are accessible and delivered in a way that respects the differing needs of the individual.
- Employ staff who are motivated because they feel valued for the contributions they make and the diversity they bring to Wiltshire Health and Care, who are well trained and who reflect at all levels the diversity of the population that we serve.
- Embed our equality and diversity values into our policies and procedures, and our everyday practice.
- Regularly monitor and report on our equality objectives, on patient and workforce information and on equality impact assessments to evaluate how we are doing and to set goals and actions in response.
- Ensure that all services procured for Wiltshire Health and Care, and all staff working on behalf of us, understand and support our commitment to promoting equality and diversity in everything we do.
Equality Act 2010 – Public Sector Equality Duty
The Public Sector Equality Duty covers protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010. These are Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex, and Sexual Orientation. The Duty requires public bodies to publish one or more objectives and report annually on progress against these objectives.
The general aims of the Public Sector Equality Duty are to;
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination
- Advance equality of opportunity
- Foster good relations when exercising their functions
Accessible Information Standard
All NHS care providers are required to provide information in such a way to enable users with a disability, impairment or sensory loss to access its services.
This website has been built to be accessible to all and can be translated into 103 languages using the Google Translate button at the top of every page.
Interpretation and translation services
This service is for patients with English language difficulties who require an Interpreter to communicate with staff on their hospital consultations or appointments. This service is also for deaf patients who require BSL interpreters and visually impaired patients can request documents in braille or large text. With your consent, we may ask an interpreter to be part of the assessment or discussion. Our interpretation service is called Language Empire and it is a registered service with experience of translation within the health care setting.
The Interpretation & Translation Service can also arrange to translate documents upon request.
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Room 2060
Wiltshire Health and Care
Chippenham Community Hospital
Rowden Hill, Chippenham
SN15 2AJ
Tel: 0300 123 7797