What is the service and what does it offer?

CTPLD is the Learning Disability Service for Wiltshire.

We work with adults who have had a learning disability since childhood and:

  • find it hard to understand new or difficult information
  • find it hard to learn new skills
  • find it hard to cope independently

We work with individuals who have difficulties having their unmet health needs met by mainstream services due to having a Learning Disability. We also work with the person's family, carers and wider services to ensure a joined up approach where possible.

We can help you with your health needs as below:

  • Physical health
  • Epilepsy
  • Behaviours which challenge
  • Sensory needs
  • Mental Health (including dementia)
  • Autism*
  • Assessment for NHS Continuing Health Care

*we are not commissioned to work with autistic people who do not have a learning disability.

This service is provided jointly with Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust.

The team has specialist nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, psychologists and consultant psychiatrists.

We also support carers, other health professionals and care providers with managing people’s health needs.

How to access the service

The service can be accessed by anyone with a learning disability registered with a GP in Wiltshire needing support with their health. If you need support you can contact the team using the details below to access the service. You do not need to be referred by a health or social care professional.

Referrals and Contact Details

If you or someone you care for needs our support, you can call the Advice and Contact team to make a referral on 0333 0348198 (Please ask to speak with a member of CTPLD Health) or you can complete our referral form and email it to whc.ctpldreferrals@nhs.net

If you would find it easier, you can complete an Easy Read referral form.

The team are based in sites across Wiltshire with offices in Salisbury, Trowbridge, Chippenham and Marlborough.

All post should be directed to:
Community Team for People with a Learning Disability
Savernake Hospital
London Road

Attend Anywhere appointments guidance

Where possible we will meet with you face to face, sometimes we may use virtual appointments online. Please click here for Attend Anywhere appointments guidance