Introducing our ACPs
Introducing our ACPs
We are delighted to introduce our Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACP) - a new role, adopted by core community teams over the last year.
ACPs provide our communities with extended clinical skills in order to assess, treat and plan patient care. The ACPs are also working to extend our urgent crisis response in terms of falls, end of life care, managing delirium, diabetes, and early identification of frailty. With senior clinical expertise across all the teams, we hope to be able to provide comprehensive care in the patients own home and avoid unnecessary hospital admissions.
Developmental ACP Emily Davies said: "It's exciting to be able to assess, diagnose and treat a patient in one place in a timely way - it benefits the patient and prevents hospital admissions".
ACP Alison Hussey added: "I've felt invested in by Wiltshire Health and Care and I've been able to apply and develop a delirium pathway".
If you would like more information about the role of ACP and the work they are undertaking please contact your local community team.
Well done and thank you to all our ACPs.
(Pictured above are Vicky, Alison , Victoria, Jason and Emily.)