Unison strikes from 14-15 February 2024
Strike action is being taken by some Wiltshire Health and Care staff who are members of Unison from 7am on Wednesday 14 February 2024 until 7am on Thursday 15 February 2024. This action is likely to impact on some of the services provided by Wiltshire Health and Care.
It may be necessary to cancel some appointments, but we are contacting patients directly if their appointment is affected and aim to re-book appointments as soon as possible.
Should you not hear from us, your appointment is still planned to go ahead so please attend as usual. You can keep up to date with information about how the strike is impacting on our services by visiting our website https://wiltshirehealthandcare.nhs.uk/
Our Minor Injury Units in Chippenham and Trowbridge will be open as usual, and we have robust plans in place to ensure that services are available to those who need them.
Shirley-Ann Carvill, managing director of Wiltshire Health and Care said: “Patient safety remains our top priority and we have robust business continuity plans in place to ensure we can continue to deliver care and support to those who need it most.
During the strike and with support from system partners, we will continue to deliver our services and provide safe care to our patients but with a reduced staffing level.”
Please choose NHS services wisely during industrial action to help ensure care is available to patients who need it most, such as using NHS 111 online as the first port of call for health needs and continuing to only use 999 for genuine, life-threatening