Trowbridge Minor Injury Unit to reopen
12 February 2021
Trowbridge Minor Injury Unit to reopen
The Minor Injury Unit at Trowbridge Community Hospital will reopen for referrals from NHS 111 and GPs on Monday 15 February 2021.
Trowbridge MIU will have appointments available 7 days a week from 10am – 6pm for patients who have contacted NHS 111 either by phone or online and are referred for an MIU appointment. It will not be open to ‘walk in’ patients. This is to maintain the safety of patients and staff and is in line with the national campaign to ‘Think 111 First’.
Trowbridge MIU closed temporarily on Monday 18 January 2021 as frontline clinical staff were redeployed to care for the rising number of patients requiring treatment for COVID-19. Chippenham MIU remained open during this time.