What is the service and what does it offer?

The Wiltshire Integrated Neurology and Stroke service is able to offer assessment, advice, support, management and/or rehabilitation to adults with acquired or long-term neurological conditions (for example, stroke, brain injury, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurone Disease, etc) where specialist neurology input is indicated. Within this service we have an Early Supported Discharge (ESD) team who are able to see stroke patients (who meet their criteria) for a period of rehabilitation following discharge from hospital.

Within the service, we are also able to provide clinical advice and assessment/support around respiratory issues relating to a neurological diagnosis.

The core team is comprised of:

The Neurology and Stroke service can provide neurology specialist support to patients, relatives and carers in outpatient clinics or in their own homes. We have recently also started utilising virtual consultations by phone or video where this is appropriate.

In addition, we are able to offer advice and support to other services and healthcare professionals, and work closely with existing community teams, although please be aware we are not able to make neurological diagnoses. 

How to access the service?

The service can be accessed following a referral from a healthcare professional and will be triaged prior to acceptance into the service. The eligibility to be seen by us depends on what the issues/needs are at that time.


Telephone: 07920 107829 (answerphone)


There are lots of resources available online to support people with a diagnosis of stroke or neurological condition so it can be useful to do some research. Some of the common resources we might direct people to include: