For Professionals
A clinician is on duty every morning from 8.30am until 12.30pm Monday to Friday. The duty clinician will triage new referrals and is also available to answer any queries about referrals by phone.
If you have any queries about your referral or wish to discuss a particular wheelchair user already known to us, you can contact us on 01225 899130 and ask to be put through to the duty clinician.
Alternatively, you can email us on and a clinician will get back to you during duty clinic times.
To refer a client/patient to Wiltshire Wheelchair Service you will need to have completed our accreditation training.
We deliver a 1.5 hour training session online via Zoom, three times a year.
You can apply to attend the accreditation training by emailing us on and express your interest.
You will need to refresh your accreditation every 3 years.
Once you have completed the training you will be given your own accreditation number which you will have to write on each referral you make.
Measurement A (Hips)
- Check nothing in pockets
- Measure from widest to widest point of the hips including all residual tissue
Measurement B (actual upper leg)
- Measure from the buttock, including any excess tissue, along the femur to the popliteal fossa (“knee pit”)
Measurement C (Actual Lower leg)
- Measure from the back of the knee to the base of the heel
- Make sure the wheelchair users ankles are bent at 90 degrees (if possible)
- The wheelchair user should wear shoes they usually wear