National Patient Participation Week, 31 May – 6 June 2021

National Patient Participation Week,  31 May – 6 June 2021


It’s National Patient Participation Week and the perfect opportunity to remind you of ways that you can get involved with our work.  If you have something to say, we are listening!

We have just launched our Patient and Public Involvement Group. We are looking for people to join it to ensure that the views of patients, carers, and the public are heard throughout WHC.

WHC are always looking for people to proof read and comment on patient literature and website information. We need to know what works or where improvements can be made. This will help us share the right information in the right way.

The WHC Board has a regular ‘Patient Story’ on their meeting agenda and so would welcome the chance to listen to your experience in depth.

You can leave your comments and opinions by completing a Friends and Family Test survey online. You can also use our online feedback form here.  We always welcome your views.

To become involved please email Lina Middleton, our Patient and Public Involvement Officer at