MSK Community Appointment Day in Melksham

A Community Appointment Day is being held at Melksham Community Campus in Melksham on Thursday 30th January for invited patients on the routine musculoskeletal physiotherapy waiting list.

The event is being organised by Wiltshire Health and Care working with Wiltshire Council and other partners,  to improve access and understanding of local community services.

In addition to the usual one-to-one physiotherapy consultation, patients will also be able to engage with other healthcare services and even join in with the following exercise classes:


Hannah Yoga and Chair Yoga 9:30am - 10:45am
Frankie Active Health Circuits 12:00pm - 12:45pm
Rachel Walking Netball group 1:00pm -2:00pm


Based on the success and learning from our previous Community Appointment Day held in June in Salisbury, we are looking forward to hosting this event, seeing our patients and promoting access to community services.