Easy read version of our Delivery Plan 2020-2023 is now available
Easy read version of our Delivery Plan 2020-2023 is now available
Our Community Team for People with Learning Disabilities (CTPLD) has produced a brilliant easy read version of our Delivery Plan 2020-2023, which sets out our ambitions over the next three years.
‘Easy read’ refers to the presentation of text in an accessible, easy to understand format. It is often useful for people with learning disabilities, and may also be beneficial for people with other conditions affecting how they process information.
The easy read Wiltshire Health and Care Delivery Plan 2020-2023 can be found here
CTPLD supports people who have a learning disability, are over 18 years old and need support to live or to manage their lives. We work closely with individuals and their carers, to help maintain or improve their quality of life, health and wellbeing. This service is provided jointly with our Wiltshire Council Adult Social Care colleagues.
The team also support carers, other health professionals and providers with managing people’s health needs.
The service can be accessed following a referral from a health care professional.
Wiltshire Council Adult Care: 0300 456 0111
(Please ask to speak with a member of CTPLD Health)