Unison strikes from 12-13 December 2023

Strike action is being taken by some Wiltshire Health and Care staff who are members of Unison from 7am on Tuesday 12 December 2023 until 7am on Wednesday 13 December 2023. This action is likely to impact on some of the services provided by Wiltshire Health and Care. It may be necessary to cancel some…

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Wider practice teams help patients to get right care and treatment quicker

GPs across Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire are shining a light on other practice-based clinicians whose specialist skills and expertise can help speed up a patient’s journey to receiving the most appropriate care and treatment. Raising the profile of the primary care professionals who work alongside GPs, such as practice nurses, dieticians,…

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Wiltshire falls prevention – new resources to support people

With around one in three adults over 65 and half of people over 80 having at least one fall a year, Wiltshire Council has worked with Wiltshire Health and Care to create a suite of resources to help prevent falls and to enable more people to access support. Strength and balance training is recommended by…

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