16 Days of Action: Increasing awareness of domestic abuse in young people

Over the next 16 days we will be helping to raise awareness of domestic abuse in young people’s relationships. Wiltshire has identified the impact of domestic abuse on young people and have developed resources to raise the profile of the issues found within this group.

Young people are surprisingly tolerant of violence in relationships, with 1 in 5 young men and 1 in 10 young women, who think that abuse and violence against young women is acceptable.

We do have the opportunity to influence teenagers if their views are not entrenched.

Abuse in relationships can happen to anyone regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation and family situation.  Teenage relationship abuse can often be hidden, because teenagers typically:

  • Have little experience of relationships
  • Can be under pressure from peers to act cool
  • Have ‘romantic’ views of love.

The likely consequences of teenage relationship abuse:

  • Violence and abuse can have a long term impact on the teenagers’ physical and mental health.
  • It may lead to depression, obesity, substance misuse and sexually risk taking behaviours.
  • Sexual abuse can lead to early and unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Teenage Relationship Abuse: A parent and carers guide to violence and abuse in teenage relationships can be viewed here

In schools, teenagers will receive lessons addressing the issues around domestic abuse as part of the PSHE curriculum and teachers will have the opportunity to attend a virtual session with the Independent Domestic Abuse adviser for Young People in Wiltshire.

If you or your family are affected by domestic abuse please phone the numbers advertised below.

Contact details for support across Swindon and Wiltshire can be found here.